Outfit of the Day
I stayed inside all day Saturday to clean and organize my house. It really felt like it had gotten out of control, so I packed away several toys and organized what was left the best I could. Toys have definitely taken over our family room, especially with the indoor treehouse Edd made Presley for Christmas, taking up half of the room. I guess they are only small once so I have tried to accept it and just manage the clutter the best I can and after working all day Saturday I can finally see the floor again and Christmas decorations are all packed away!
I decided to take Sunday to go to Christiansburg to visit my aunt and my grandmother who is staying with her. I had Presley a cute little outfit all ready to go but she refused to take off her pjs. In her defense, they are Bubble Guppies (her favorite tv show) pjs, that she just got for Christmas. So I decided to let her win this battle and wear the pjs and I assumed she would be more agreeable later in the day. Well we did our visiting and then it was time to go eat lunch so I tried to talk her into changing, with the same result, a major tantrum. So I was "that mom" whose kid wore her pajamas in public. Luckily we got a late start so we just had to do a quick meal, instead of going to a nicer restaurant. So Firehouse Subs it was, in our (ok not mine) pajamas, gold uggs and messy hair! She was also uncooperative on the picture taking, so this was the best I could do, snapped with my phone.